Thursday, March 10, 2011


movie tomorrow!! :D :D :D
finally a movieee!! :') hahaha

borrowed 2 books from library ytd.
halfway through the 2nd book now!
one of them was a part from eclipse[twilight]: << The short second life span of Bree Tanner>> then i bo liao, go check with eclipse. got 1 or 2 parts the sequence is wrong. lol. :\

library~ window shopped.
saw jasmine at T1 :D
went giant. went there buy bread and ate sushi.
visited courts too. DSLR!! :(
dinner~ home-d cause the shop i wanted to go closed. :\

mango sago last friday :D

i want to get flat tummy :\

sorry for the lack in updates, please dont stop visiting my blog!! :(

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