Saturday, March 19, 2011


milo mcflurry!!
i forgot this was my lunch until my stomach start to grumble at 4.30pm. :\

things i bought @ orchard hotel flea:

the bee is mine ^^

and also this cute ribbon ring :)
which can be either white or black! ^^

3 rings for $13 :D

lip gloss for me and lipstick for mum :)
@ $4 each! :D

#28 whipped
#36 ballerina pink

high waist shorts! :D
@ $5!!! cheaaaaap! :DDD

window shopped at f21.
i want 2 dresses.... :\
should i get them? :|

a tragedy almost happened!
we rushed into the train while it was closing :\
and guess what?!
my balloon was stuck!! :|
thought it was going to burst!! and then the door opened :D
saved!! :D
and 3 person who almost miss this train ride love my balloon now. hahaha

and finally,
today a weird person called me when i was flea-ing.
cause i master reset my phone, some contacts gone, & i thought i know that person since that person said my name.
then suddenly he stop talking i thought cut-off. so i hanged up.
& then he spammed msges in malay! (humaira said its indonesia malay. kinda worried about my phone bills.)
i tried to tell him like wrong person by msg-ing. then more malay msges. zzz
& then he called me later at night. & finally told him its the wrong person.
& i think i know how he got my number. :\
anyway, its over :)

ohyaaaa! i told my brother to buy somemore ribena for me cause going finish.
& he bought:

talking about my brother, during dinner:
me(eye pain): my eye got anything?
brother: got eyebags
me: ....
i shall sleep at 9pm!!

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