Monday, March 14, 2011


window shopping for me :(
k la. got buy somethings. but then cannot use for the moment :(

went queentown shopping mall to get zhiyi's stuff.
then bus-ed to orchard.

spotlight~ :D
mircle happened TWICE!! :D
at first couldnt find some letters buttons.
with zhiyi's preserverance, 2 almost sold out letters were found! :D
i think now sold out already. haha
cause we bought it! :D

first time trying gongchaa~
i should drink less tea. :\

window shopped~
dinner @ 8.59pm. last order @ 9pm!
left 1 more min and then the cook dont want to take in anymore orders already :(
but the cashier nice! :D helped us to tell the cook to make the sandwiches for us ^^

pictures while waiting~
see! drink tea again :\

i'm gonna get my name ring soon!! :D :D :D

i looked like i'm asleep! ...

NOT GONNA DRINK TEA AT NIGHT ANYMORE! cause now i still cant sleep!! & waking up at 6.45am? later :(