Saturday, March 5, 2011

sharon birthday celebration

went to get bday cake @ VIVO - AWFULLY CHOCOLATE (banana chocolate)
next was mini shopping :D
fav 2 pieces :D

tom yum soup :D

fried rice :D

so happy with a big bag of F21 clothes :D:D

nice box!!! :)
with a cute sticker :D

17 candles :)

so colourful :D
so pretty :D

cutting cake
time to trim!
X10. everyone around me seems to own a smartphone now :\
pork chop! chopped by me!!
was using the knife to remove the fats. After 10mins or so, gave up & use scissors, then bday girl tell me: ohya my mummy always use scissors to cut the fats one!

home-made nuggets! chicken, mayo, tofu, pepper.

mini-feast :) *wipe sweat*
accidental heart-shape nugget :)
sweet & sour sauce! niceeee!! :D:D

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